Minggu, 07 November 2010


Band Competition

Bakal ada 30 band yang tampil di panggung the 2nd Indie Clothing Expo..

Band-band ini merupakan band SMA yang bakal berkompetisi dan perform untuk total hadiah 3.000.000 plus trophy.

Mereka bakal hadir dari tanggal 5-7 November 2010
Nama Band Asal SMA Genre

1 Comments to “Band Competition”


Rabu, 03 November 2010

Personas for Firefox | Rock Fantasies

Personas for Firefox | Rock Fantasies

Pop up my Cbox

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


Robot adalah sebuah alat mekanik yang dapat melakukan tugas fisik, baik menggunakan pengawasan dan kontrol manusia, ataupun menggunakan program yang telah didefinisikan terlebih dulu (kecerdasan buatan). Robot biasanya digunakan untuk tugas yang berat, berbahaya, pekerjaan yang berulang dan kotor. Biasanya kebanyakan robot industri digunakan dalam bidang produksi. Penggunaan robot lainnya termasuk untuk pembersihan limbah beracun, penjelajahan bawah air dan luar angkasa, pertambangan, pekerjaan "cari dan tolong" (search and rescue), dan untuk pencarian tambang. Belakangan ini robot mulai memasuki pasaran konsumen di bidang hiburan, dan alat pembantu rumah tangga, seperti penyedot debu, dan pemotong rumput.

Ketika para pencipta robot pertama kali mencoba meniru manusia dan hewan, mereka menemukan bahwa hal tersebut sangatlah sulit; membutuhkan tenaga penghitungan yang jauh lebih banyak dari yang tersedia pada masa itu. Jadi, penekanan perkembangan diubah ke bidang riset lainnya. Robot sederhana beroda digunakan untuk melakukan eksperimen dalam tingkah laku, navigasi, dan perencanaan jalur. Teknik navigasi tersebut telah berkembang menjadi sistem kontrol robot otonom yang tersedia secara komersial; contoh paling mutakhir dari sistem kontrol navigasi otonom yang tersedia sekarang ini termasuk sistem navigasi berdasarkan-laser dan VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) dari ActivMedia Robotics dan Evolution Robotics.
        Ketika para teknisi siap untuk mencoba robot berjalan kembali, mereka mulai dengan heksapoda dan platform berkaki banyak lainnya. Robot-robot tersebut meniru serangga dan arthropoda dalam bentuk dan fungsi. Tren menuju jenis badan tersebut menawarkan fleksibilitas yang besar dan terbukti dapat beradaptasi dengan berbagai macam lingkungan, tetapi biaya dari penambahan kerumitan mekanikal telah mencegah pengadopsian oleh para konsumer. Dengan lebih dari empat kaki, robot-robot ini stabil secara statis yang membuat mereka bekerja lebih mudah. Tujuan dari riset robot berkaki dua adalah mencapai gerakan berjalan menggunakan gerakan pasif-dinamik yang meniru gerakan manusia. Namun hal ini masih dalam beberapa tahun mendatang.
        Masalah teknis lain yang menghalangi penerapan robot secara meluas adalah kompleksitas penanganan obyek fisik dalam lingkungan alam yang tetap kacau. Sensor taktil dan algoritma penglihatan yang lebih baik mungkin dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini. Robot Online UJI dari University Jaume I di Spanyol adalah contoh yang bagus dari perkembangan yang berlaku dalam bidang ini.
        Belakangan ini, perkembangan hebat telah dibuat dalam robot medis, dengan dua perusahaan khusus, Computer Motion dan Intuitive Surgical, yang menerima pengesahan pengaturan di Amerika Utara, Eropa dan Asia atas robot-robotnya untuk digunakan dalam prosedur pembedahan minimal. Otomasi laboratorium juga merupakan area yang berkembang. Di sini, robot benchtopdigunakan untuk memindahkan sampel biologis atau kimiawi antar perangkat seperti inkubator, berupa pemegang dan pembaca cairan. Tempat lain dimana robot disukai untuk menggantikan pekerjaan manusia adalah dalam eksplorasi laut dalam dan eksplorasi antariksa. Untuk tugas-tugas ini, bentuk tubuh artropoda umumnya disukai. Mark W. Tilden dahulunya spesialis Laboratorium Nasional Los Alamos membuat robot murah dengan kaki bengkok tetapi tidak menyambung, sementara orang lain mencoba membuat kaki kepiting yang dapat bergerak dan tersambung penuh.
        Robot bersayap eksperimental dan contoh lain mengeksploitasi biomimikri juga dalam tahap pengembangan dini. Yang disebut "nanomotor" dan "kawat cerdas" diperkirakan dapat menyederhanakan daya gerak secara drastis, sementara stabilisasi dalam penerbangan nampaknya cenderung diperbaiki melalui giroskop yang sangat kecil. Dukungan penting pekerjaan ini adalah untuk riset militer teknologi pemata-mataan.

Pop up my Cbox

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010


Gadget (Bahasa Indonesia: acang) adalah suatu istilah yang berasal dari bahasa Inggris untuk merujuk pada suatu peranti atau instrumen yang memiliki tujuan dan fungsi praktis spesifik yang berguna yang umumnya diberikan terhadap sesuatu yang baru. Gadget Gratis dianggap dirancang secara berbeda dan lebih canggih dibandingkan teknologi normal yang ada pada saat penciptaannya.

Pop up my Cbox

Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Soccer Ball Football Ice Mold - World Cup 65mm ice sphere creator

Just in time for the World Cup, the Soccer Ball Football Ice Mold is a stunning large version of our classic Taishin ice sphere creator. Guests at home or your customers will be dazzled by these spheres in the instantly recognizable shape of a soccer ball.
Soccer Ball Football Ice Mold
The aluminum in the 65mm mold is amazingly conductive and creates professional ice balls that will look great for the World Cup (or any soccer match). It's not just aesthetic, though: these special ice balls melt more slowly, keeping your drink cooler for longer.
Soccer Ball Football Ice Mold
Making ice balls with these molds is super easy: Simply heat briefly in hot water, place good-quality ice in the mold, put on the top, and it works on its own! Of course, this is a much larger than our usual molds so it does take a few seconds more. However, when the results are this good we think it's worth the extra wait.
Soccer Ball Football Ice Mold
The Soccer Ball Football Ice Mold features:
  • Football/soccer ball ice ball-creator, ideal for both bars and home-use
  • Creates spheres of ice which melt slowly, keeping drinks cool
  • Made of aluminum
  • Mold: 65mm
Soccer Ball Football Ice Mold
Pop up my Cbox

Love-Digi Moving Photo Camera

The Love-Digi is a camera that's all about creativity and fun. The famous photobooth style pictures that are popular with young girls in Japan can now be made any time and anywhere with the Love Digi. Just snap a few pictures, and apply the graphic effects. It's perfect for creating awesome Facebook or Myspace profiles that stand out from the crowd.
Love-Digi Moving Photo Camera
There are 30 different frames, 30 different backgrounds, and 100 different 'stamp' graphics that you can use choose from to create ultra-cute pictures of you and your friends. You will never tire of all the ways you can find to decorate your snaps.
Love-Digi Moving Photo Camera
The Love-Digi Moving Photo Camera features:
  • Digital camera with graphic decoration functions
  • Camera decoration sheets x5
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Pixels: 2 million, 480 x 234
  • LSD size: 2.36" (60mm)
  • Camera size: 60 x 97 x 25mm (2.4 x 3.8 x 1")
  • Colors: pink, green
  • Batteries: AAA x3
  • Ages: 8 and up
  • Manual: Japanese

Aqua Eye underwater Mini video camera

BUT...check out cool, newer models or other products...

See the world from the perspective of your fish, or explore any underwater area with the ease of LED lighting and a waterproof 2.7 megapixel video camera. From RF Systems, the makers of the Miharu Intraoral Camera, the Aqua Eye is a high-quality underwater camera for easy use at home or with work.

Aqua Eye underwater Mini video camera

Use Aqua Eye in your home aquarium to explore within on your own, or create an interactive video system to accompany it. The 4 LED lights on the lens will evenly illuminate the subject and provide a clear view from any angle.

Lauren Moshi Whitney Ruffle Bow Tank Dress in Ballet

The Lauren Moshi Whitney Ruffle Bow Tank Dress is an unique piece with authentic design and detail. Made from an ultra-soft tencel blend, it features a scoop neck with bra-friendly straps, a ruffle skirt and a slightly relaxed fit. The limited edition piece features a hand-drawn bow print design.

* Color: Ballet (Pink)
* Fabric: 70% Tencel / 30% Cotton
* Care: Machine Wash Cold
* Made in Limited Quantity in the USA
* Approximate Length from Shoulder to Hem: 32"

Sizing Tips
Item is true to designer letter sizing, slightly relaxed fit.

Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California Girls

Pop up my Cbox

Senin, 20 September 2010

Tech Deck Trick Video #7: Putting it all Together

Pop up my Cbox

Tech Deck Trick Video #6: Ramp Tricks

Pop up my Cbox

Tech Deck Trick Video #4: Grinds

Pop up my Cbox

Tech Deck Trick Video #3: Slides

Pop up my Cbox

Tech Deck Trick Video #2: Ollie / Nollie

Pop up my Cbox

Tech Deck Trick Video #1: Shove It

Pop up my Cbox

Tech Deck Trick Video #5: Flips

Pop up my Cbox

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

10 REASON Why We Love Justin Bieber

Pop up my Cbox
10 Reasons Why We Love Justin Bieber
Muda, tampan, kaya, terkenal. Apa lagi yang kurang dari sosok Justin Bieber? Publik mungkin mengenal Justin sebatas karir dan kepopulerannya. Berawal dari videonya yang diupload via Twitter, Justin segera dilirik oleh penyanyi Usher dan 'dipoles' menjadi bintang yang sangat bersinar.

Dengan usia yang masih sangat muda, nama Justin melambung begitu tinggi, menenggelamkan banyak selebriti terkenal yang sudah bertahun-tahun berkarir di Hollywood. Bahkan, beberapa bintang ini bertekuk lutut, turut memuja Justin. Sebagian malah mengajaknya duet atau sekedar tampil bersama demi mendompleng popularitas Justin.

Well, yeah, we know all that. What else? We want more!

Yep, pertanyaan inilah yang akan diajukan berjuta fansnya di seluruh dunia. Lantas, apa yang membuat Bieber begitu fenomenal? Coba kita cek fakta-fakta terunik Bieber, mungkin satu (atau banyak?) diantaranya yang bisa memberikan alasan mengapa Justin Bieber begitu digilai banyak orang!

1. Sebelum terkenal, Justin kecil sudah mulai berkencan! Meskipun baru 13 tahun, dirinya sudah berkencan dengan 3 orang gadis, Caitlin Beadles, Alexandra, dan seorang lagi yang tidak mau disebutkan namanya. (Tidak heran Justin begitu 'berpengalaman' menangani fans wanitanya!)

2. Justin sangat menyukai sneakers, jaket bertudung, dan topi baseball. Cool! (Gaya ini yang disukai fansnya? Mungkin!)

3. Justin mengaku akan mengencani siapapun yang dicintainya, termasuk para fans (Kapan giliranku?)

4. Justin mahir berbahasa Prancis, bahasa paling romantis di dunia. (Hmm, Je't Aime, Justin!)

5. Walaupun sudah terkenal dan pernah berkunjung ke banyak tempat, makanan yang disukainya adalah spaghetti buatan neneknya (Satu poin lagi, sayang keluarga!)

6. GPA (nilai kelulusan/IPK) terakhir Justin adalah 4.0. (Sempurna!)

7. Bakat Justin tidak main-main, karena dirinya dulu adalah seorang penampil jalanan. Justin sering beraksi di depan teater di Stratford, Ontario, Kanada.

8. Justin suka terlihat tampan dan cool. Terbukti, dirinya sempat tidak suka foto dirinya yang menjadi cover majalah People. Pada foto ini, Justin sedang tertawa lebar, yang dikomentarinya 'Aku terlihat seperti orang gila'. (Satu poin lagi: percaya diri)

9. Justin berjalan di jalur yang berbeda dengan pada 'pendahulunya'. Jika Miley Cyrus dan Jonas Brothers berada di jalur pop, Justin memikat hati para produser dan bintang hip-hop, seperti Usher, Kanye West dan Justin Timberlake. (Cewek-cewek pasti mau yang 'unik')

10. Justin berada di jajaran 10 besar World's Sexiest Man, bersama aktor-aktor yang jauh lebih tua, termasuk Robert Pattinson , Taylor Lautner, Johnny Depp , Hayden Christensen, dan Channing Tatum. (Wow, brondong seksi!)

Lengkap, 10 alasan yang membuat banyak fans Justin menjerit histeris! Masih kurang? (kpl/mae)

Jumat, 02 April 2010

Lily Allen & Katy Perry kena DEMAM Justin Bieber

Los Angeles - Demam Justin Bieber menyerang siapa saja. Dari penggemarnya hingga para musisi pun kena demam Justin. Kini giliran Lily Allen yang mengaku tertular.

"Saya harus bilang bahwa saya ingin punya bayi Justin Bieber sekarang. Mencetak lirik dan berencana berdansa di ruang kerja saya dan bernyanyi setiap hari," tulis Lily dalam Twitternya, Kamis (1/4/2010).

Lily mengaku sangat menikmati musik bocah 16 tahun itu. Namun bukan Lily saja yang sedang tergila-gila dengan Justin. Katy Perry pun begitu. Beberapa waktu lalu ia memajang foto dirinya berpose sambil mencium pipi Justin.

Para bintang muda pun ketagihan mendengarkan lagu-lagu si pelantun hits 'Never Let You Go' itu. "Saya kena demam Bieber. Siapa yang tidak?" ujar Allison Iraheta, kontestan 'American Idol'.

Penyanyi muda, Selena Gomez juga demikain. Selena selalu menganggap bocah kelahiran Kanada itu sebagai adik kecilnya.

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

If i were a boy - Beyonce

If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I'll roll out of bed in the morning and throw on what i wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys and chase after girls
I can get away with what I wanted
and I never get confronted for it cause they stick up for me

If I were A boy
I think I could understand
how it feels to love a girl I swear i be a better man
I listen to her
cause I know how it hurts
when you lose the one you wanted
has taken you for granted and everything you have had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I'll would turn off my phone tell everyone it's broken
so they think that i sleeping alone
i'll put myself first and make the rules as i go
Cause I know that she'll be faithful
waiting for me to come home to come home

If i were a boy
i think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl I swear i be a better man
I listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
has taken you for granted and everything you had got destroyed

it's a little to late for you to come back
say it's just a mistake think i forgive you like that
if you thought i would wait for you you thought wrong

but your just a boy
you don't understand (yeah you don't understand)
how it feels to love a girl some day you wish you were a better man
you don't listen to her you don't care how it hurts
until you lose the one you wanted cause you taken her for granted and everything you had got destroyed
But your just a boy

Akon - Right now

t's been so long
that I haven't seen your face
Im tryna be strong
But the strength I have is washing away
It wont be long before i get you by my side
And just hold you, tease you, squeeze you till
I was fill all my mind

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

Girl I know mistake were made between us two
And we show our eyes that now even says somethings weren't true
watch you go and haven't seen my girl since then
why can it be the way it was
coz you were my homie lover friend

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

I can't lie
I miss you much
Watching everyday that goes by
I miss you much
Tell i get you back Im gone try
I miss you much
coz you are the apple in my eye
Girl I miss you much
I miss you much
I can't lie
I miss you much
Watching everyday that goes by
I miss you much
Tell i get you back I m gonna try
I miss you much
You are the apple in my eye
I miss you much
I miss you much

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

I want you to fly with me
want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me
miss I how you lie
jus wish you could dine with me
wish you could dine
the one that'll grind with me with me
said the one that'll grind with me

I want you to fly with me
want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me
miss I how you lie
I wish you could dine with me
wish you could dine
the one that'll grind with me with me
said the one that'll grind with me

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

I wanna make up right now now now
I wanna make up right now now now
Wish we never broke up right now now now
we need to link up right now now now

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010


ill wear the wire, as .. I could not eat after 3 days of control teeth.after the control is not so bad, but the next day's beginning to ache.To brush my teeth it feels like a tooth pull out of. Incomparable pain, I can only eat porridge for my teeth still hurt. And reduce the pain that I drink cold drinks. If I control my teeth are always on Wednesday night. Before the control I have to eat, and after the control is not allowed to eat until the next day. I have to eat as much as possible. After the control I went to bed or watching tv "RELIGI". I had to force myself to sleep so as not to feel pain. As long as I control I'm free to choose the color of the rubber that came on my teeth. I prefer to wear blue gum or black mixed with red and blue on my screen. Artists who were not wearing uncomfortable wire what? Use wire only a few months ago was released, pairs off pairs off. Especially the color of his stirrup was transparent, whereas the yellow teeth. I just enjoy wearing the wire, all style.

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

love me by Justin Bieber

Crank it baby)
It's JB
My friends say I'm a fool to think
That you're the one for me
I guess I'm just a sucker for love (love, love)
'Cuz honestly the truth is that
You know I'm never leavin'
'Cuz you're my angel sent from above (above, above)

Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours (Ooh)
Give you little more because I love ya,
Love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I'll put nothin above yah
Above yah

Love me, Love me (Hey)
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me (Hey)
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, Kiss me (Hey)
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear (Oh, oh)
Tell me you love me

Love me, Love me (Hey)
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me (Hey)
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, Kiss me (Hey)
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear (Oh, oh)
Tell me you love me

People try to tell me
but I still refuse to listen
'Cuz they don't get to spend time with you you you
A minute with you is worth more than
A thousand days without your love,
Oh your love

And Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours (Ooh)
Give you little more because I love ya
Love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I'll put nothin above ya
Above ya

Love me, Love me (Hey)
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me (Hey)
Oh how you do me
Kiss me , Kiss me (Hey)
Say that you miss me
Tell me what i wanna hear (Oh, oh)
Tell me you love me.

Love me, Love me (Hey)
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me (Hey)
Oh how you do me
Kiss me , kiss me (Hey)
Say that you miss me
Tell me what i wanna hear (Oh, oh)
Tell me you love me.

My heart is blind but I don't care
'Cuz when I'm with you everything has disappeared (Oooh)
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go,

Love me, Love me (Hey)
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me (Hey)
Oh how you do me (Meee)
Kiss me , kiss me (Hey)
Say that you miss me
Tell me what i wanna hear (Ooooooh)
Tell me you love me.

Love me, Love me (Hey)
Say that you love me (Meee)
Fool me, Fool me (Hey)
Oh how you do me (Meee)
Kiss me , kiss me (Hey)
Say that you miss me (Meee)
Tell me what i wanna hear (Hey)
(Oh, oh)
Tell me you love me.

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Bieber Vam .

blue ......... ilove blue color.
Starting from the right is the older brother, and the next (little boys) are brothers, and above it was Justin Bieber itself, and in the left corner was an older brother both Justin. Though I dont know them, I like them. I did not list names here, because I dont know their names except Justin Bieber own.
Old brother had blue eyes. And all her brothers has brown eyes. No problem, which is important JB is handsome. hehe :D

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Baby - Justin Drew Bieber

You know you love me
I know you care
And I would never, not be there
You are my love
You are my heart
And we would never, ever, ever be apart

Are we an item?
Girl quit playin'
We're just friends,
What are you sayin'
Take another look right in my eyes
My first love, touch my heart for the first time

And now I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I thought you'd always be mine

For you, I would have done whatever
And ya stick it with me when we're together
And I'm gonn' play it cool
While I'm losin you
I'll buy you anything
I'll buy you any ring
Cause I'm in pieces
Baby fix me
Come see if you wake me from this bad dream*
I'm goin down, down, down

Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought you'd always be mine

You can give me all of your love
Once a time it wont be enough
Nobody told me this day would come
Now I'm all gone
You can give me all of your love
Once a time it wont be enough
Nobody told me this day would come

I wa- I was like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I'm like
Baby, baby, baby noo
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)

Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Yeahh, yeah, yeah
Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone
I'm gonee

its for Val days . But im not enjoy the day . i am a lonely girl . hiks hiks

Bigger - Justin Bieber

[Verse 1]
Gotta believe it
Believe it like a fairytale
The tooth under your pillowcase
And know I won't I won't
Ever let you down (No)
Like a Seesawing down
You know why
Cuz we ain't on the playground no more

We're big enough to stand in the front line
We're big enough to stand next to love

I was a player when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
A heart-breaker when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
And all the haters I swear
They look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

[Verse 2]
Whoa oh
I remember when my heart was young
You were still bigger than me
Is that the reason that you stayed
Most would've got rid of me
Now the boys in the school yard
Can't think my hugs and my kisses are from her
When ain't pushed over no more babe

We're big enough to stand in the front line
We're big enough to stand next to love

I was a player when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
A heart-breaker when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
And all the haters I swear
They look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

I was a player when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
A heart-breaker when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
And all the haters I swear
They look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

[Verse 3]
(Remember those stroll down street) I remember that
(Don't like Edle Lane?) Like Yesterday
(They shine on me) We were little then
(In class I dreamed about you) My baby
You wow wow (You wow wow)
Since then all I can remember is the love only got Bigger

I was a player when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
A heart-breaker when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
And all the haters I swear
They look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

I was a player when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
A heart-breaker when I was little
but now I'm bigger I'm bigger
And all the haters I swear
They look so small from up here
Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Emma watson keturunan penyihir

Sejarah leluhur Emma Watson, pemeran Hermione di film seri Harry Potter ternyata berhubungan dengan film yang dibintanginya.

Finroll - Menurut Ancestry.com Emma ternyata memiliki hubungan dengan penyihir dari abad ke-16.
EOnline melaporkan bahwa para peneliti telah menemukan sebuah catatan yang menunjukkan kalau Emma berelasi dengan Joan Playle, seorang wanita dari Essex County, Inggris, yang dituduh melakukan ilmu sihir pada tahun 1592.
Walaupun dituduh sebagai penyihir tapi Playle tidak dihukum mati dan hanya dikeluarkan dari gereja Inggris.Ia tak dijatuhi hukuman mati layaknya orang-orang yang diduga penyihir di jaman itu. Namun meskipun begitu, Joan masih harus menghadapi sanksi diasingkan dari komunitas gereja kala itu.
Sepertinya bakatnya difilm Harry Potter memang bakatnya.