Senin, 16 November 2009

Fashion Game !!

I like fashion.. means FASHION GAME too!!
Like a Jojo's Fashion Show1 & 2.
Its ex- jojos fashion show 1&2, very different with the places n the acessory!!
Right is part 2 and than left is part 1 of Jojo's Fashion Show.

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Produk yg DiPasarkan.

ini phutu diriku...
Di dLm pabrik busana yg di dirikan oleh Siti Ruqoiyah dan Supriyono ini terdapat berbagai macam jenis. Mulai dari produk busana muslim hingga kerudung. Adapun yg menjadi model utamanya it ak sendiri[wakakak]. Secara, hanya saya yg bisa meluangkan waktu untuk semi pemotretan dan bermake up.
Hari-hariku sibug, sehingga lupa mgrjakan tgs d ruma[maklum lagi klas 9.].
Toko-toko yg djadikan tmpt penjualan produk ERQY'S & FANIS itu di::
1. ITC MEGA GROSIR, Lt. 1 Blok A1 No. 20 Surabaya [031-3743430]
2. JMP 2 Surabaya, Connenting Lt. 1C No.16(depan lift)
3. Royal Plaza Surabaya, Lt. Ground Blok B6 No.7
dan pusatny berada di: Jl. Karang Rejo Sawah III/21A, Surabaya, tlp & fax: 031-8292192.
No. HP: 08123206781.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Sabtu, 07 November 2009

fashion icon

i like fashion..
interest in japan,,
its very nice dresses.
i like is very cool clothes i thing.
and now,,
i helped my mother to posting her clothes.
the mean is "busana mulsim & kerudung"
yeah i know, its moelsim wear!
but ,
my dreams are make a BRIDAL clothes.
because i like bridal n hip-hop clothes.

thank you very much for the reader.